Wednesday 2 April 2014


Heyyyyy,, guysss
Do you know this food??
Do you love this food??
So, have you taste this food??
Bali a small island, beautiful island. Bali is the Popular island in the world. Beside famous with the tourism destination, and culture,  Bali also famous with tourism culinany. Doughnut one of popular food in Bali. Doughnut has a special taste, delicious, and special shapes.
Doughnuts (also spelled donuts) are deep-fried pastries made from dough. Doughnut like fried pastries appear in many forms the world over, from savory to sweet. However, in the United States, doughnuts are most often sweet treats, commonly enjoyed at breakfast or as a midmorning or midafternoon snack. Although doughnuts are sometimes filled with jam or pastry cream, the most common American doughnut type is circular with a hole in the middle it looks like a puffy, chubby ring. In Bali , Doughtnut is delicious food, and popular food. Usually in Bali, doughnut is very nice serve with coffee, tea, and milk. Doughnut is practical food, cause you can get and bring doughnut, whereever you go. If you are being relaxed , you can enjoy doughnut with coffee, tea , milk, if you like.You can always buy doughnuts most supermarket bakeries sell them, and nearly every town has a doughnut shop. But making home made doughnuts yourself brings its own sweet rewards Yours will be fresher and better and it's a great project for a rainy weekend afternoon.
Guyss,,, so I have many kind sweet taste of doughnut!!,
I have one recipe, How to make special doughnut
Material :
example doughnut box
*      500 gram wheat flour   
*      200 gram potato
*      100 gram sugar
*      100 gram butter
*      100 ml cold water
*      50 gram milk powder full cream
*      11 gram yeast
*      4 eggs
*      Salt, and vegetable oil
*      Chocolate
How to make it
1.      Strip all of potato, wash, and steam until well done, and smooth the potato until  soft.
2.      Put the materials like wheat flour, sugar, milk powder,and yeast into the bowl.
3.      Mix them and stirr the materials .
4.      Pour the eggs ,cold water into the bowl , stirr them until well done , more or less 20 minutes.
5.      Next, shape the batter for the doughnut like a ring, and wait more or less 20 minutes until the batter for doughnut
6.      Put the frying pan on the stove, turn on the stove
7.      Pour the vegetable oil into the frying pan.
8.      Put the doughnut into the hot oil, for more or less 3 minutes until the doughnut are golden brown, turning once. Remove teh doughnut with a solled spoon so excess oil drains back into the pan.
9.      Drain doughnut on paper towels.
10.  Cool doughnuts slightly. Coat  them with powdered sugar.
11.  The last decorated doughnuts with chocolate, cheese, whatever you want.
12.  Serve doughnut with coffee , tea, and milk. Enjoy it.
It’s very easy , to make doughnut in the sweet home.
Heyyy,, guysss if you interest to try variation of doughnut, I have variation of doughnut, please look at :
Chocolate doughnut
1.      Chocolate doughnut. IDR 5.000/piece
2.      Cheese chocolate doughnut. IDR 10.000/piece
3.      Cheese doughnut. IDR 8.000/pieces
4.      Chocolate peanut doughnut. IDR 7.000/piece
5.      Rainbow doughnut. IDR 5.000/piece
So, I have special package, if you buy one box , the content six pieces, the price is IDR 25.000  for chocolate doughnut, and rainbow doughnut.

 And I have special package for who want to celebrate a 
cheese chocolate doughnut
special moment with special someone like celebrate birth  day, anniversary, wedding ceremony, or maybe for Valentine, with special price. If you buy one parcel with a special request decorate, the content 7 pieces, the price is IDR 50.000 including deliver surcharge.
So, don’t worry you can request the taste of doughnut whatever you want are available.Your order  can be delivered  to your house, and in the Hotel, but there are surcharge.
Don’t be doubt, order now.
cheese doughnut
For more information you can contact me on 087860304524,
Email                           :
Facebook                     : ayu ariati yunitha
Follow on tweeter       : @ayu_yunitha.

chocolate peanut doughnut

rainbow doughnut

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