Monday 16 June 2014


Blimbingsari Village
            Heyyyy,,, guys!!!!
            Are you boring, everyday see traffic jam ??, feel hot ??. don’t confused again, if you spend your holiday or weekend, please come to Blimbingsari Village. In there you can enjoy the beauty of nature, and unique tradition. Beside that , if you like adventure, in there you can Trecking, and Cycling.
Bali, a small beautiful island with a lot of tourism potential both from natural and cultural aspects. Bali Island consists of 9 regencies which each of them has its own unique and interesting tourism objects. Negara is one of the regencies which can offer many interesting things for its visitors. This regency is on the western area of Bali Island with its capital named Jembrana. Located mostly on the shore of West Bali, Negara has a lot of potential tourism objects which need to be exposed, for example “Blimbingsari Village”.
Blimbingsari village is a village of ten villages in the district Melaya Jembrana, is one of the villages are predominantly Protestant and Hindu. Blimbingsari Village is a village with acculturation of Christian Protestant and Hindu Religion. 

The uniqueness of Blimbingsari Village :
1.      The two buildings are very magnificent church that is in the  Banjar Blimbingsari and Ambyarsari with ornaments carvings on each corner of the church is very characteristic of Balinese culture, as well as of ways to give names to children as Putu, Made, Nyoman and Ketut is no stranger to hear.
2.      Especially Christmas and Easter and other festivals, the people here with a very enthusiastic to put penjor, even if the presumption does not attach penjor seem less festive feast, not that, at the time held a service in the Church.
3.      Christians came to use the traditional Balinese dress like kamben, udeng, kebaya and so forth as well as pastors who will bring the Word / who presided over the service also uses language that is characteristic of Bali.
4.      The Balinese are Bali gambelan worn as a tool to accompany the liturgical / praise, this is one tourist attraction to see up close how the mix of cultures that happen.
Last time, my friends and I have been visited Blimbingsari Village. This village is very beautifull place, tradition in this village is very unique, and  local society is friendly. Blimbingsari Village has been completed with public facilities such as homestay, church, temple, parking area, toilet, and small restaurant. I’m sure , if you visit Blimbingsari Village you can enjoy the beauty of nature, feel the silent.
For more information, please contact me on
Hp                               : 087860304524, and
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Facebook                     : ayu ariati yunitha
Follow on tweeter       : @ayu_yunitha.

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